Leading with Vision: Crafting and Implementing Your Entrepreneurial Strategy

Course Description

In the competitive entrepreneurial landscape, having a clear vision is not just an advantage—it’s essential. “Leading with Vision: Crafting and Implementing Your Entrepreneurial Strategy is a comprehensive course designed to equip entrepreneurs with the tools and insights to establish a compelling vision and translate it into actionable strategies for success. This course will guide you through the nuances of visionary leadership, strategic planning aligned with your vision, and the art of living and adapting that vision in a dynamic business environment.

About Instructor

Jasper Balom

I like to consider myself a creative social entrepreneur. It is my passion to travel the world and share knowledge of the many different cultures around the world. I enjoy motivating individuals to pursue ownership, travel, and entrepreneurship. I personally believe that knowledge is not power, but the application of knowledge is power. Black Knowledge goal is to inspire with engaging visuals and effective messages.

15 Courses

Open Registration

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 10 Topics